Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Never attend a Wine and Chocolate event when you are dieting! That was one of the most difficult things I have done. While everyone was drinking wine, eating tapanade, bread that looked amazing and bruschetta, I ate cucumbers. The things we do to try to be thin! Why oh why can't there just be a pill that will allow you to eat whatever you want whenever you want and a machine you can just stand on to loosen the fat and allow it to just roll off? Can one of you genius types please invent something? Speaking of machines, my friend Bambi and I went to the spa and they had this machine that was supposed to help just about everything imaginable, you were supposed to stand on it for ten minutes and let it work its' magic. There was no magic (not that I thought you fell for it, nor did we), we really just wanted to see what it was and try it out. It vibrated, but not in a good way, it actually hurt certain parts of your body that I won't go into. Let's just say, it was not a good thing, I ended up with an earache and Bambi a headache. Of course by the time we had a couple of glasses of wine we were fine, those were the days! Oh how I long for a glass of wine, a tough chewy piece of bread and cheese.

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