Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have a head cold or something, my head feels as though it is going to explode and both ears hurt, even my teeth hurt. I stayed home today hoping to sleep it off but as soon as I lay down I start coughing. One would think I could drop a few pounds while I am not eating, but my stubborn body appears to be holding on to its' fat for dear life, acting as though I may never feed it again. It seems my fat has found comfort in all of its favorite places; my inner thighs, my back, the floatation ring above my belly and my arms; I swear there is no muscle in my arms.

I guess there is one positive to being over weight... My husband and I were out with friends we hadn't seen in a while and one of them commented on the fact that he felt we women were aging better than the men were; I pointed out that my husband, although bald, has very few wrinkles and this friends comment was, "That's because his face is so fat you can't see them!" I told my hubby that I would not make him the belly of my jokes, but that is some funny stuff!

Knowing I have a full face, makes me feel as though fewer wrinkles show as a result, so there's the silver lining, I just may go eat some ice cream!

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