Thursday, February 18, 2010

Over the years I have tried various diet and exercise programs. I have had three personal trainers, oh wait, make that four. I forgot about that one big hunk of a... That's not what this blog is all about. Back to my exercise routine. I typically asked for the best looking guy as my trainer because I figured I would be more likely to push myself if he was good looking. I did push myself, when I was there, but somehow I always found other things to do and gave up training. I played Wii for a while and got bored, I rode my bike, I walked, I did various dance, kick boxing and crazy videos with annoyingly perky people. Most recently I joined a club that offers just about everything you can think of. Booty boot camp and kick boxing are my favorites, but I did try pole dancing. Let me say when you are my size and you have to stand in front of a mirror between Trixi and Candy in their five inch spiked heels and short shorts, you decide that you look more like you belong in the window of a mexican restaurant in San Diego making tortillas then pole dancing! Word of advice, don't pole dance if you are larger than a size six because size matters!

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