Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now that I have your attention with the title; allow me to explain what my blog is all about.

The idea is to share my painful, delicious and entertaining experiences as I have gone from a size zero at age sixteen to a size twelve at age thirty nine/ten.

I will begin with a little history. For as long as I can remember, I was self conscientious about my stomach. When I was less than 100 pounds, I wrapped a towel around me when I got out of the pool so no one would see my belly.

About five or six years ago, I had a brilliant idea. A bust reduction and tummy tuck would give me the body I wanted. In my mind, once I was rid of the belly bulge and those heavy, neck and back wrenching things I carried around, I would be happy with my body.

Was I wrong!

Stay tuned

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