Saturday, February 27, 2010

We had to go buy a new bed because ours was one of those air mattress types and it had a slow leak, of course on my side, which just adds to my insecurities about being fat. Anyway, my hubby said, "just throw on some sweats and let's go because we have to place our order before noon to get the bed delivered today." I do not have any sweats because that is another of my fat rules, "fat people should not wear sweats because it only draws attention to their fatness". So, I threw on a pair of jeans, these were newly washed jeans so they were a bit tight and then it occurred to me, I really prefer to wear my jeans multiple times because it gives the impression that I have lost weight because my pants are too big. I am going to start wearing my jeans for a month without washing because people may say, "Hey have you lost weight?" And I will say, "My pants are looking a little big!" It's not like I will lie or anything, I just won't tell the truth. Now if they say, "Hey have you gone without washing those jeans for a month because they look all stretched out? Then I will have to admit, not only am I fat, I am a pig!

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