Monday, March 8, 2010

I actually lost three pounds! Three pounds just by not continuing to eat when I am full. What a concept! This is better than the time I joined one of those popular diet places, ate their food, followed their program without deviating at all and gained a pound.

I was chatting with my friend Eric yesterday and he reminded me that I need to get back on the tennis court. We used to play every Sunday and I gave up tennis when I took up hockey; now I am doing neither. Thinking about my tennis days reminded me of a funny story, once again involving my pre-bust reduction. I was playing with my friend Joan, we were in a USTA tournament and I was serving. Our opponent hit a drop shot and I ran for the ball from deep in the court and because of my being top heavy when I lunged for the shot at a dead run, I could not stop and I proceeded to flip over the net, I rolled and jumped up pretending I was not hurt. We were in a tie breaker set and I was not going to give up, nor would Joan have allowed me to. My husband was upstairs watching and I knew he was having a fit so I refused to look up at him; I just continued to play pretending everything was fine. Meanwhile, I am not even sure if our opponents noticed that I was holding my racquet in my left hand because I could not grip with my right. My shoulder and back were killing me and my hand was throbbing; but we won the match! Those were the days, I think I do need to find myself a partner to start playing again. Oh Andre, I am ready when you are!

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