Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I just can't get motivated! What is wrong with me? If Kirstie Alley can do it, I certainly should be able to. Did you see the hill she climbed? After watching her last show I looked into a fat farm. I thought that perhaps a week at a fat farm could give me the boost I needed. Let me just say, those places are not cheap. While I seek an alternative I had better get ready for work or I will not even be able to give thought to considering a fat farm. On the other hand, without a job I could not afford to go out to eat, which is in part how I got to the place I am today. Just kidding, I have to get over it and get motivated.

I am open to suggestions if anyone cares to share some ideas, perhaps Meatless in March has some ideas, he seems to have done an amazing job, the skinny little bitch. LOL, he's my son, I can say that and get away with it! Looking at my fit children should be a good reminder that I am not supposed to be fat. Oops, time to get in the shower, bye for now.

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