Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weighing myself this morning reminded me of the fact that in the past, when someone asked how much I weighed I would say, "The last time I weighed myself I weighed 120 pounds". Of course, I never bothered to tell them that I had not weighed myself since I was about twenty. Another thing I used to say was, "I wear a size six" and then under my breath I would say, "in underwear". That was all well and good for a while, and then, I got too big to get away with it. The rude awakening was when I went to the doctor and when the medical assistant told me to step on the scale and the little thing had to be moved I was sure she was stepping on the corner of the scale. Unfortunately that was not the case. Five pounds became ten and ten fifteen and so on, I am going to put an end to this cycle. Tonight I had turkey and asparagus. Okay, so I just ate a Milano, but that's it! I guess I will see how Meatless in March is doing.

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