Thursday, March 4, 2010

You know how, when you are up high on a cliff or something and a person will say, "Don't look down and the first thing you do is look down?" That's the problem with the word diet. As soon as I say I am on one, I want things that I don't even normally crave.

I decided the key is to NOT use the word diet, rather I am right sizing, it's used in business, but I think it fits better personally.

I need all the help I can get, and I hope you realize that I know this is one me, when I blame my hubby for buying cookies, I realize that he is not force feeding them to me. It is up to me to exercise and right size. Why is that when you go to the market to buy produce, they put the bakery right next to the produce. So while I am selecting the best oranges and bananas, I have to pass by the cookies and donuts, that is just not nice!

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